Friday, June 24, 2011

The Poster Who Cried "Racist"

I asked about what I perceived to be an often knee-jerk accusation-label trope on forums.

Orfeu said:  "We all calibrate our racial sensitivity dial differently...which frankly, does not make for a smooth discourse. may calibrate your dial differently to me."

nina said:  "honestly, when i hear accusations of racism and the like, i tune out and stop listening. start with that business and you lose all credibility in my eyes.
ive learned that its one those labels that people are quick to use for no reason other than to 'win'. once they have that label affixed they are no longer required to argue using logic or respond to points and opinions. instead they can respond to strawmen and keep shouting 'youre a racist', and it is pretty evident that if somebody is a racist you can respond with every low blow possible while dismissing their every word with slogans and personal attacks hey
its too bad, because it makes so many topics completely impossible to discuss in an honest way. how can one talk about solutions to drugs or crime or western poverty if any discussion of race is off the table? imo those that jump to claims of 'racism' are the most disingenuous, trollish, nonproductive members of any forum. they squelch the discussion of real problems and real solutions with their left-wing, bleeding-heart dogma."

McLovin said: "Yes, but none of this negates a person being proven racist.
The accusation being thrown around out of context to win an argument is BS but if a person predicates their arguments on racist stereotypes and beliefs I'll call them on it." 

Lee said:  "I think we get a more interesting discussion if we call a person on the point, rather than call the person a "racist." nina's right, I think, about the latter ending the conversation for all practical intents and purposes."

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