Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Philosophy of an Open Relationship (And not so "open" ones too.)

Interesting article: 

Sex as an extreme sport
I wanted emotional exploration -- only monogamy stood in my way.

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By Zachary Karabell

I think the thing that interests me the most is that I often see people attempt what they might call "open relationships" without really succeeding. Confusion, regret and hurt feelings seem to find their way into that dynamic like water into cracks. The open, happy, swinging couple does seem to exist, but in my experience, it is rare. I must qualify that though. I don't hang out in the swinging crowd, so I may be missing out on a lot of that experience. And the couples I know may be hiding the secret of the openness of their relationship, so it is hard to judge on pure anecdotal information. But it continues to be a hot, tangled topic. Often discussed, never really resolved...


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