Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christine O'Donnell walks out on Piers Morgan

"'You're being a little rude,' O'Donnell says after questions on her gay-marriage stance."

Oh dear.

"Morgan did inquire about O'Donnell's views on sexual abstinence. During the 2010 election season,video footage from years earlier surfaced showing O'Donnell suggesting if she could, she would stop the whole country from having sex."

I'm glad she's not running for office at any rate.



  1. Well it is a dilemma. On the one hand, she's a major nut case so at least some of us are glad she's not running for office. On the other hand, she's SUCH a major nut case that it would be nice if she did run to ensure the other candidate (who one hopes is at least slightly less nuts) would win — except in these days of Loony Tunes Camellia Sinensis Festivities and their candidates doing so well one cannot be assured that the batshit crazies will NOT win! Eeek!

    Also, when she runs she provides excellent fodder for the likes of Stewart and Colbert which is always a good time.

    If you go on someone's show, don't you assume the host and not the guest runs the program, within reason? (Oh, reason...nm)
